
July 29, 1932 & July 29, 1986

Today's a day I wish I could spend with my Mom and Maternal Family. As I was getting ready this morning, I realized the conversation I had with my Mom last night about today's date and how important, tragic, and life changing it was for her and her family. The joyous part of this date happened over 77 years ago, My maternal Grandfather's birthdate... And 50 years later would turn into a tragic day of family history, the death of his youngest son, Steve (one of the triplets that includes my mom)

Im already emotional ( as i am a virgo and that sh*t comes as natural as laughing) so im going to end this post with an image rather than continuing this story. I know you're watching out for us, and keeping us out of harms way. we love you.



so i took a chance and sent my info to Melody Ehsani.. and I got a call back from her HR requesting my resume to work as an intern.. omgomgomg.. pray for me..

and check out her site:
blog: www.melodyseesyou.com

daily fashion dosage>>> paper masterpieces

daily fashion dosage>> Tiffany shaver??!!!

this is the perfect gift for tha hubby. RETAILS @: $495

speaking of thirsty....

What's the reasoning behind chics stopping at no expense to be noticed??!! I thought only men did that?! hmmmm.. someone proved me wrong last nite. Totally unexpected. But hey atleast I'm always on my toes :) all i need to say is..

H@ppy Monday my luvsss

I dont know if your weekend was as hectic, exciting, and time challenging as mine. but man, I WAS LITERALLY ALL OVER CALI THIS WEEKEND.

But first things first I need to give a shoutout to my boyz of O.N.E. better known as Overcoming New Era for a HOTT HOTT show last night!! Keep a look out for themmm..

** oh and shoutout to all the thirsty chics that were watching me last night too. I hope you enjoyed the show last nite too. Thanks for subscribing** lol.


bringing back 60s, 70's and of course the 80's BJ style.

Forget about catapulting color and patterns, Opening Ceremony mixed my favorite thing of all time, and pulled from Archives of Betsey Johnsons archives to create some amazing looks.

TEXTURE, TEXTURE, AND MORE TEXTURE.. Designer influences like this make me way too excited. Betsey are you hiring???!! lol!

My BFF's Bloggie booyeeee

hey blogger world... check out MY BFF's Blog on Tumblr.com

She'll make your brain rattle, make you laugh, and give you a little piece of herself.. oh yea, and shes not too bad on the eyes either.. hehehe.

luv ya bRiski




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Attention: ALL tweet fanatics

ok im mesmerized at how some people spend 85 trillion hours on freakin TWITTER all day!! like i just dont get it. you update your status about 300x talking about how your walking down the street, trip and fall, and then walk again!!! WTF.

for example, my co-worker,(achummm) whose name i will not mention, sits on twitter via AIM allday!! the only thing is, twitter, myspace, and even facebook have been blocked from our computers now. how wack is that :( SO NOW, this girl, the great hoodini has found another way to get on twitter!! via AIM. who knew that you could do such a thing.... smfh...


c0me 0ne c0me all...

Welcome to my new expression machine.

aka. threads n thoughts of Nosiiv. . .

( the word Vision backwards with an xtra i)
so I wanted to open up my brain a little bit more and let it spill over onto the web. Why? well why do people do anything nowadays, but for me, reasoning came in different forms this time around.

I figured, why censor myself as a blogger, ( as i have been on my company blog site) whats the point of having one if you can say what you want, when you want, and how you want. WITH THAT SAID. Here is a piece of my brain/feelings/personal attributes drained out today....

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Poet, Essayist, & Lecturer)

I feel like this quote explains so much at the moment. One decision I recently made is life changing, not just for me, but for the people I've surrounded myself with the past few years. here we go!!!